Friday, 19 January 2007

Step 1: Cut a hole in a box

The project is really coming along well. Most people have signed on for it. I'm hoping Michael Bay will be able to take time out of his schedule to fit his project in. I really feel he has what it takes to shoot a high-nitro, explosive, no-holds barred, multi-car pile-up version of "Fifteen and Pregnant".
Positions Still Vacant:
Drug Runner #3, Drug Runner #5, Downtrodden department store worker #2, Attractive 30-42ish yr old mother figure, The emo guy in the background being cool wearing a black 'vote for pedro shirt', Abortion Clinic Doctor #2, and Larry the ex-marine hobo. Ok here are the scene outlines, any ideas for songs or plot would be appreciated.

1. Dreamy highschool days full dreamy boys and their dreamy dreams

2. The Party!

3. I really want to be physical, but im not ready, maybe just 2nd base?

4. You can't feel love, until you "feel" love.

5.You dont really love me!

6. Or do you?

7.The Act/This bed is quite large

8.You didn't really love me! Dang it, Fooled again!

9. I'm so emo.

10. Bun in the oven!

11.Im not the mother

12.Guilt/I want some ice cream

13.Abortion Abortion Abortion

14. The baby has arrived, via her womb.

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